Tuesday, June 26, 2007

What's under the red cup...

A NaStY Cockroach!

One thing that I hate really bad is COCKROACHES!!!!!!!!!!! So whenever I find one or any bug I will very carefully place a plastic cup over it until my dad can come and get it. I HATE HATE HATE these things. So the other day I walked into the kitchen and found this coming at me, so I found my cup (because my dad was in bed) and in the morning my dad had a nice surprise. Thanks dad for rescuing me from these things!


kali and kason said...

yay you're a blogger too! it looks like becky got the best of both of us. haha. and i HATE cockroaches too! one word...NASTY!

Anonymous said...

i'm glad you found that one NOT me! i'm too chicken to even put a cup over it... that's what you're here for! :)

Unknown said...

That's so funny! Just this morning there was a cricket in my house & I was stressing out. I hate when Steve is not home to take care of it. Crickets are definately not as scary as cockroaches but the jump! I'm always afraid they're gonna jump on me. What a nice dad to know what the red cups means & take care of it for you!!

Suzy Cummard said...

I hate bugs, too! SICK. Lance always has to say "If you find 1 roach, there are 1,000 more hiding." I hate that. It makes me look at the ground before I take a step.
Try living at my g-ma Riggs house w/ scorpians (SP?). I don't know how I ever did it!

BTW- Nice blog. I did not even know about it until last night! Work on Candace!

Emily, Julia, and Annie said...

Amy, you better never come to my house. Because for some reason, we have millions of cockroaches. When I clean out the pool skimmer, it just has tons of cockroaches in it.

Cam and Afton said...

Disgusting, is all I have to say! Come visit Vegas. We just have crickets! And by the way, hope you dont mind....we found ya on Stacis blog and added you to our own!

Alisse Baldwin said...

And why did they have to choose a name like COCKROACH??? Even MORE disgusting.

P.S.- Hi! I'm excited you started a blog.

ms said...

ok, go to this blog, tntwaite.blogspot.com and i think you will find someone you were meant to be friends with! it's just funny because you guys both had the same pictures on the same day! i'm glad you're on here! You'll have to go to one of my old posts and see the picture of natalie portman's hair...the cut i want - and tell me what you think. i'm still thinking about it!

Anonymous said...

do it maren!!!

angiedunn said...

ew, i too hate those things!! They are so creepy!!

chris+amber said...

These creatures should never have been invented. Ew ew ew! So happy you started a blog schmog!! Now I can keep up with you!

Stevens said...

Hi Amy! I am so glad you started a blog too! Your hair style is so cute. I love the color too. Hope all is going well with you and congrats with your new job as a hair stylist!

ForeverSarahLee said...

That's gross! :0)

Oh, by the way... HELLO friend!