Monday, June 25, 2007

April Standring's bridal shower!

So because we didn't have anytime to give April a shower
before she got married we did it after. So we just went to Cafe Rio and had lunch. I am so excited for April and her new husband Jimmer!


Emily, Julia, and Annie said...

Amy! Your blog is way cooler than mine! I don't know how to link people onto it so I look like I don't have any friends. Lame.

Alisse Baldwin said...

Yay! I'm excited I can keep in contact with you now, too!

angiedunn said...

I can die now and know i have lived a full life. my dream of amy having a blog has finally come true!! yay!! you look so pretty in that pic with april {you too april, oh, and btw congrats on the whole wedding thing.} K, Ames...I'm adding you to my links, stat!

Staci said...

That was so fun! Sorry I missed lunch with you and Holls yesterday! Call me again!