Tuesday, September 16, 2008

Who has the bigger TeeTH and LiPs?



Lori said...

I think you are all crazy!

The Standrings said...

i agree! but i think amy takes the cake on the lips for sure!

Callie Proffitt Christiansen said...

I'm going to go with Chelsea on this one.

Afton LeSueur said...

Go Becky!

Em said...

You crazy kids... I think Amy's got the biggest lips and Chelsea the biggest teeth.

Anonymous said...

thank you for your support AFTON! (:

bettina said...

how funny! I think you for the teeth and chelsea for the lips.

Sparks Fam said...

carter says chelsea for teeth and amy for lips. they are sooo excited to see you next week.

maelynn said...

Ok, this is kinda sad, but the first picture looks JUST like a girl in my ward! I totally did a double take to make sure it wasn't her!
Those are funny pics!

beth said...

Chelser By Far!!!!! and may i say wow!

and Ames Thanks so much for your support tonite... i think it went well. i like the small group. i think it will be less intimidating for those less social and it is way easier to chat!

Jeni said...

I think that A wins for teeth and D wins for lips. Very cute!

J,B,A,P Hatch said...

you girls are always up to something fun! I love the pictures!

ashley wright said...

hi AMY!!! omg im dying right now with laughter!!!!!!! hilariuos pictures! Youre the best and i miss you and my tantrum buddies; how IS work going?! Miss you!
ash wright

Lindsey said...

Thanks Amy! I loved my hair and wedding book you made. You did such a good job!

Callie Proffitt Christiansen said...

I tagged you, so get to it. :-)