Rachel and I were able to get seats in the 10Th row in the center ...it was awesome!!!!
Times Square!
This is a tour of Bumble and Bumble. It's a four story building. One level was the classrooms, one was the salon where we did clients, then the actual salon and the top was a cafe and a place to shop for products. It was so much fun. Sorry two of the pictures are turned sideways!
Where we did clients...sorry the picture is sideways!
Looks like you had a blast! I wish I could go back to NYC. You are becoming a seasoned hair stylist!
Yay! It looked like such a fun trip! What an awesome experience. Poor Rachel's hands-ouch!
wait... you´re going again??? since when? can i come? (: i´m way jealous you got to go to nyc {and see wicked}! glad you guys had such a great time! and ouchy rachel! seriously... ouch.
It's no fair you planned it when my life is so busy that I couldn't come with you. Oh wait maybe I wasn't invited.
Anyway I am glad you had a great time.
Wow! I am SOO jealous!
Excuse me...You have ALREADY been to NY...I believe it is my turn! I had no idea you were going? That is so fun! I'm really really jealous!
So jealous - looked so fun!!! You got to do everything I would have ever wanted, and you got to take classes at Bumble and Bumble- that's awesome!
NEW YORK! That is awesome! What a fun trip! Like Becky, I too am jealous that you got to see Wicked!:) You'll have to teach me some cool tricks sometime!
how fun ames! okay, i am obsessed with wicked!
you are so profesh!
what would my life be without bumble & bumble? or you? answer: nothing.
um, so....guess who is working the front redge @ SBE again?
You know the answer. Hahahahaha. SBE for LIFE, baby!!!
How fun! Did you freeze? As soon as I can grow my hair out a little I'm going to have to make a trip down to test out your awesome skills:)
FUN! new york looks amazing and I actually never knew the huge effect that using really good shampoo can have on your hair until I used my friend (a sister from my mission's) bumble shampoo while we were staying over one time in Birmingham. IT is delish...my hair was fabulous all day, noticelbly fabulous and I knew it was the shampoo! When I have money I will buy it by the gallons!
p.s. can we hang out like soon?
and next time you go to new york non work related can I come?
Hello. This post is likeable, and your blog is very interesting, congratulations :-). I will add in my blogroll =). If possible gives a last there on my blog, it is about the Smartphone, I hope you enjoy. The address is http://smartphone-brasil.blogspot.com. A hug.
did you love wicked? and how did you like Bumble and Bumble? i loved it !!
Seriously Amy, learn how to twist your pictures. My neck is killing me.
hey amy, this is Breanna. i am so jealous i always watch the TODAY show and so want to visit it someday! so email me so i can invite you to my blog. breannalesueur@hotmail.com hope you're doing good.
I am so jealous of this. Are you going back anytime soon? Say yes.
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