This month has gone by so fast!!! But it has been a really fun month! Some of the fun things I did.....
Celebrated my 25Th Birthday!!!!!
Thanks everyone for making it a fun birthday for me!
I went to the Suns game for my birthday it was a lot of fun!
And my friends took me to Gecko Grill!

I made Gabby look like she put her finger in a light the was she loved her hair!

And that was my month in a nut shell!
Peace out!!!!!

peace out. . .lol. she's so cute. {so are you, and happy late birthday!}
Ha Ha!!! Love it! Mostly love the picture of Gabby & her crazy hair & the last "peace out" picture(is that Carter?)
Looks like you had a FUN birthday/Thanksgiving! I was GLAD YOU FINALLY UPDATED YOUR BLOG!!!:)
Flowers....hmmm...secret admirer perhaps?? Let me know if you find out who they are from!?!?
Happy Birthday Amy - looks like you had lots of fun! Your hair is too cute - did you get longer extensions put in? Fun to see pics of Candace!
I miss you! Glad you had a Happy Bday and great Turkey day. I want to know who those flowers are from when you find out.
I love the Nacho Libre shout out on the note, great movie. Thanks for coming and visiting me on Friday!! It was SO FUN To see you!! Happy late birthday again!
ahhaha i love the last picture - VERY cute! Glad you had a fun month! MUAH!
Happy Birthday Amers! Cute pictures. Your hair is so long & cute, and I'm jealous! Becky taught me how to curl my hair w/ my Chi...I still need to try it. I might refer to this blog post, while I'm trying. Good to see you the other night...I just love your guts.
PS: Gabs, you are adorable.
Who the heck sent floers?
I think you have a secret admirer.
I don't blame 'em! You are the sweetest.
I agree.. where did this month go.. I mean LAST month!!
Happy late birthday Amy! You are the coolest girl, I miss hanging out with you!
Hey I saw that you are going to get together w/ nikki (you told katrina on her blog) and I want to come too. Ok well maybe I can't but i really want to! We might come down for new years that is if matt can get it off. I was thinkin the other day how i miss driving around just the two of us looking at lights and blasting the christmas songs, oh such memories!
The last picture reminded me of the Sherwood reunion Talent Show. Good times.
I always love your hair! I wish I could curl my hair cute. Instead, it's in a really ugly side ponytail today. I guess YOU were meant to be a cosmetologist!
well, whoever sent you the flowers must be a fan of the movie Nacho Libre because they stole that quote from the movie! jason loves to quote that! happy late bday too! we left to mexico and i missed the dinner a Pei Wei! hope you girls had fun!
I didn't even know it was your birthay. Happy late Birthday!
Well, hello, Amy! I am finally done! It only took me two years! Oh, well, right? I am actually moving to Arizona right after Christmas. I'm planning on applying to assist at a few different salons in the area, and Tantrum is on the list (also Dolce Salon and Rolf's so far. Any suggestions?). It'd be great to work with you! I actually work with a girl who knows/loves you. She might have been a roommate of yours. Her name is Marissa, and she's married to a guy named Junior. Ring any bells? Anyways, it'll be good to see you. Maybe you can adopt a friend because I'm not going to know anyone!
Happy late, late birthday Amy. I hope you had a GREAT one. I am right behind you in turning 25!
Happy Birthday! I know I'm like a month late. Glad to see you are still alive and kickin' you need to come in to the store more often! I've sent some Holiday cheer your way.
I love whomever sent you the flowers! That's how Chuck signed my last Valentines Day card (hug, hug, kiss, kiss, big hug, little kiss...). Gotta love Nacho. Happy Late Birthday!
love it... sounds like you had a lot of fun. and now dec.'s almost over too. merry christmas!
uh... UPDATE!!! i am in another country & i miss my sister!
Ames- January is almost over, stop being MIA! Come back to the other side of the blogging world!
Miss ya!
LOVE the random flower-sender. how cute!
Well I just wanted to say Hello, I hope you are doing well girlie!!
Amy you are so amazing! I think its time for another make them way too cute!
helloooo! Where are you?? So we finally made a blog! check it out! miss you tons
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