Thursday, August 9, 2007


So if anyone out there feels like their eyelashes are short and ugly (like mine). No need to worry anymore. There is this new stuff called Jan Marini eyelash intervention. It is pretty much AMAZING! It helps your eyelashes to grow and thicken. Plus it is safe for your eyes. My cousin has used it and her eyelashes are almost touching her eyebrows. It is some pretty cool stuff. So here are the details...
  • It $160 for a 6 month supply of this incredible stuff!
  • You can buy it at Tantrum Hair Salon ( we just ordered it so I will let you know when it has come in, I can hardly wait)
  • If you want to look up more info on it the website is
  • My cousin said it takes about a month before you start to notice

And if you have any more questions about it call me or write comments and I will gladly answer

It seriously is so awesome so I think everyone should get it. I will be getting mine very soon and I will let you all know how it is working!!!!


Suzy Cummard said...

What the heck!! I need to save up some mula!
Would it curl my lashes at all... they could not be straighter! (Ellie's too.) Maybe I should have Ellie save up her mula, too!!! HA HA.

Emily, Julia, and Annie said...

I need it. I need it. I need it. But maybe if it cost $16.00 or $1.60. I will have to save the money. Or maybe split it with a sister? Would a 3 month supply work too??

Amy said...

I am actually going to split it with my Mom and Becky. And then it will be for two months. I can handle spending a little less every two month than the whole thing all at once! I am seriously so excited for it. And as for the curl, I am not sure about that. But, I will look into it!

Rachel Hatch said...

I am so very glad you posted about this. I have been thinking about it everyday since the Shark Week kick off. PLEASE let me know when it comes in! Do I need to order it before or just go buy it at Tantrum?

Anonymous said...

yes yes yes! i can't wait!!!! my dream is FINALLY coming true! :)

ms said...

Hey, I want some! Is that the stuff that Sally was talking about?

Anonymous said...

yeah it was

Theresa said...

Sign me up. Does it help with eyebrows? (Don't let your mom know. She's already sooo jealous about my blog. I can only imagine how she'll feel if I have longer eyelashes.)
I'll call ya.

Amy said...

yes it does help fill in eyebrows! And my mom will be jealous so i wont tell her!Ha Ha

Staci said...

That is SO awesome! You need to do before & after pics of your lashes:) Let me know how it works, you know me & my short lashes...let me know how it works for you!!!

angiedunn said...

do a before & after, k?!

someday i'll be rich.

until then, i'll live vicariously through your amazing lashes.

vicki said...

Sign me up, Amy! The only question is, has anyone my age given it a try? Seriously, we need some when the order comes in!

Amy said...

Ok so the order should be here on thursday! And I am pretty sure it works on everyone! So come in and get some or let me know and I can pick some up for anyone that wants it.

Jewelia Eagar said...

i want to see if yours works first, then i'll spend the big bucks! :) sounds cool, hate fake eyelashes, so this might be my big ticket!

chris+amber said...

Suh-weet! Keep me posted! Now they need to come up with a formula to thicken hair. I wasn't blessed with a head full of hair like Amanda & Amelia, so I need someone to invent a hair thickener. I'll be the first in line to buy it! I know there are extensions, but EHHH....what is your take on extensions?